25 years of life.

I’ve been allot of places, done allot of things, and just about heard it all.

Overall I’ve been blessed!

I managed to let a quarter of a century shine on my behind and it’s not in a size 16!!! Shout out to Urban Active gym.

I’m just glad to have made it so far, glad to have my friends, my family and my health.

Thank you for all the birthday love, and even those who stuck by me in my birthday diva moments…..you know how that can get.

See you next week @ Belle Terra casino July 12Th for the Grand Finale.
I’m betting $25 on 25 on the table, so hopefully I hit enough to upgrade to the GANGSTA suite, LOL. I had to reach back in the kid file for that one.

I’m just rambling really, I thought I’d start early on my old people speeches, that way by the time I’m really old I’ll have enough practice.

This will be the last year for the birthday crown until I’m 30………

Sike, I’m gonna be the birthday queen until the day I die! I know you got excited, get over it. 🙂

That’s all I got folks, I am an A student, found that out for my birthday so Yaaay M.E. and have a great July 6Th