Save it for your girls!

I love having male friends, they are usually rational and objective. They can usually keep secrets well, mostly because they were only half listening once the story gets long “and in a pinch they have a penis” (I stole that line from Don’t Trust the B in Apt 23). More than anything they can give you insight to matters that your female friends will only pontificate and turn into a story about them.

But there are just some things that your guy friends will never be able to ride with you on. I thought I’d make a list. Those are always fun! Top 5

1.Lady Day Rants- there’s no complaint that will ever get an Amen from one of your guy friends. Even more they’ll probably be grossed out to the point that they learn your calendar and avoid you that week.

2. Fights with your female friends- although he will make an effort to be on your side, he probably won’t get the implications of why you’re mad in the first place. Ladies, be honest, a year later you probably won’t remember why you were mad. Give him a break.

3. Anything you try to talk about on a game day. Most of my male friends are not available during the entire football season. But he’s your friend, you know his sports, just leave him alone girl.

4. Conversations about outfits for events and vacations. There are some fashionable men, but they are still visual. You may get him to go and shop with you, but he’s probably not interested in holding a long conversation. (Yes, even your gay best friend girl, he’s still a man).

5. Long ass stories about nothing. Self explanatory.

I hope you had fun with this quick post. Pass it around, enjoy a few laughs. Feel free to send me an email