And what was once my favorite BBQ restaurant wants to close until well after my birthday. This is the type of stuff that happens on and near my birthday. Excuses, restaurant/ club closures, people out of town, or me having to be out of town in some bum-fuckety corner of the country, I’m tired.

So, now that I’ve gotten that out. My birthday always gets shitted on. To the point that I don’t even try hard anymore. This year, which is one of my last years in my twenties, I thought that I would enjoy a no fuss no muss celebration at the family home and nobody would have to cook.


The restaurant, which I love enough to follow on social media, decided to put out an impromptu closure notice, TONIGHT! Those of you that know me and have been reading my stuff for a while know that one of my biggest fears is to already be pissed off, then have something come and extra-piss me off in the middle of it. I’m so mad I don’t even know where to begin.

It’s not the time and effort that I put into getting this together, I learned my lesson on that when I used to try to do multiple day extravaganzas that people couldn’t afford to attend so they’d just show up to the free thing. It’s the fact that after almost three complete decades the cycle has not been broken.

My resolution:

Fuck staying in the country, fuck calling around, fuck planning in advance….
1.I’m only rolling with whoever shows the hell up next birthday.
2. I’m not doing anything for the sake of anyone else’s budget, can’t afford it, catch the pics on Instagram
3. I’m doing nothing other than exactly whatever in the hell I want from the now until the day I die.

There’s no reason that I should not be able to enjoy however much time I have here on Earth, and sometimes that means disappearing and seeing the world.

My New Goal:
I want all the money in the world. Literally, I’m going to travel as far as I can stand, and I’m going to exchange $20 American everywhere I go for whatever the currency is in that country/region. I know that I started off on a potty-mouthed rant, but I know what I want now. I’ve said it since I was a kid, but it took until this birthday season to figure out what that really means. I’ll blog about it…. you’ll know if I did it or not.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

Weird Things & Birthday Stuff

So I posted about “The Power of Trust” last week. This was a deeply personal post, and once I get the opportunity to contact one of my email subscribers I will re-post it. However, the post was converted back to a draft and the bulk of what I shared had been erased.

I’m always weird when my birthday is around the corner. I’m heavy on the introspective thought. I like to hideout from the world and just be in my own energy. There are many years that have gone by that I gave an honest effort to throw an event, gather a bunch of people and make a big fuss, but the older I got the more my perspective changed.

There are so many things in this life to be grateful for, and none more precious than the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary of your arrival to this world. So, this year I want to do some giving, in lieu of gifts I’m asking that you give to one of the three charities I’ve chosen on my birthday page.

Know that I appreciate how much you’re supported my comeback and even though I’m not as resent this week as I have been, I’ll be back with plenty to read after the 6th.

Love you guys! & Thanks in Advance

4.10 Happy Birthday Big Buford :)

On April 10th over 80yrs ago God gave the world a beautiful gift in the package of a man that would grow no taller than 5’5″ and have the heart of a giant. That man would one day meet a woman named Margaret and years later he would make her his wife on that same day…

Thank God for Buford Hocker. We miss you Grandpa. RIP, as we celebrate your birthday/anniversary this weekend may we all learn to love beyond the surface and see each other as God sees us, worthy of love and in need of inspiration. You taught us how to smile in spite of pain and care without regard for circumstance. Thanks Grandpa…I love you.