The Lies Die Today!

We all have a little voice in our heads that speaks up at different times. Some of us have a constant cheerleader that encourages us to step out and be bold even when no one else around seems to feel the same. Some of us however have an inner hater (to steal a term from ) that won’t just shut the fuck up. Many of the things we wish we’d done, places that we wish to have traveled are all unrequited dreams thanks to our failure to tune that voice out.

It’s funny how even when you know something is right/wrong, that voice will tune up and try to fill you head with every form of self-doubt imaginable. It’s believed that the voice is created when we are small and only gets worse as time goes by. Well, today I’d like to give the Obituary for the voice in my head, as it has more than outstayed it’s welcome and an eviction is not sufficient. This voice must die. So join me if you too have a voice to dispel in this little ceremony I’ve written out.

Dearly Beloved,

We are gathered here on this blog to bid farewell to the small voice that lives in the back of our head. This despicable manifestation of negative energy has orchestrated many failures and disappointments in it’s time. This voice was known most for it’s incessant belligerence in the areas of fitness, beauty, intellect and financial savvy, and has constantly brought into question the aptitude, adequacy, and acceptability of it’s host. On this day, we gladly seal the casket on every project this voice ever set to complete. Moving forward from this point we will no longer speak of this thing, as we are sure it will no longer find a welcome space in which to dwell.

So Be It.


Sometimes, your heart hurts so badly that it seems like nothing you do will ease the pain. You try everything you can think of to shake the feeling but it just keeps pulling at your heart.
I challenge you to refocus that broken energy into creativity. Sometimes the heart needs to pour out love in order for the healing to begin. Find something new to take part in or explore a new culture.
Simple daily adjustments that take either your mind or your body away from wallowing in anguish will prove to take away the blues. Slowly, but surely.

To Be M.E.

To Be M.E.
To reach an expectation only to be met by a dream
To try to wipe your tears, while muffling your screams
To have everything you’ve asked for and nothing at all
To hurry up and wait just to start from scratch
To slow your roll for pace just to catch up with the pack
To feel like a big fish and discover the pond’s just small
To give 100% and only walk away with half
To get an A in English and a C in Math
To work until you’re tired and not be able to fall asleep
To figure out what you sew isn’t even half of what you reap
To live like it’s your last day, and still manage to waste time
To be so far ahead and still feel so far behind
To have everyone you’d like to please, be so far away
To feel like it’s midnight in the middle of the day