What’s he talking about? Kanye West Interview Interpretation

The interview that left some of us as confused as we were inspired. Kanye West met up with The Breakfast Club, the morning show that has kept their finger on the pulse of young urban culture for quite some time now. I’ve attached a link for those of you that do not tune in via iHeart Radio, listen, then come back.
The fashion passion rant:
Crazy? Like a fox. Kanye is trained in artistic communication. Consider his words as strokes on a canvas. He can see what he’s created, but there’s always much left for us to decide.
What I gathered from his rant is the fact that power is connected to the financial ability to subject the masses to your decision process. His deal with Nike opened his eyes to the fact that although he is extremely influential, his power is limited by his financial ability to push his ideas to the masses.
The infamous Adam & Eve reference:
“Eve made Adam bite the apple, and ever since then it’s been illegal to be naked. I’m trying to get you to change your perception of the law.”
I think he’s trying to say that he wants to influence more than the fad, but the standard in clothing. I’m expecting lots of deconstructing the rules in his upcoming work. Think back on the kilt he references in the interview, that was a Hip-Hop first. It seems as though he’d like to expand the way we consider “properly dressed”. What Adam and Eve had to do with getting that point across, who knows. I will give him this… Jesus spoke in parables, so maybe that’s his way of paying homage.
Old Money/ New Money theory:
This is the part of the interview in which he referenced Jewish people and their ability to have a relative back them up in a venture and compared what Dame Dash did in creating that family.
In my opinion, this is a concept that I wish more people would come to understand. Especially in my hometown of Cincinnati. A family/common resource is essential in catapulting a grassroots effort of an individual that is not already independently wealthy.
Kanye isn’t always easy to follow, but that’s why we enjoy him. He makes us think, and sometimes he just makes us laugh. Charlemagne tha god handled this interview exactly the way that we’d hoped and asked the hard questions. We just wish he’d found a way to get a straight answer. I’d love to know what you thought of the interview. Leave a comment below, don’t forget you can post anonymously.

Yeezus Review (Marri Picks)

Favorite Tracks-
I Am a God
New Slaves
I’m In It
Blood On The Leaves
Send it Up

Why? At this point in Hip-Hop History,  many of us look to Yeezy to bring that refined weird element, that is the individualism that makes the culture so beautiful. I’ve selected the songs above based on how well they’ll translate between locations. These can be added to the party list without everyone looking around seeing if anyone else is drinking the punch.
Mr.West has a knack for the dark. This album shows the blossoming evolution from College Drop Out backpack feel good “Happy Rap” ,as the late great Bernie Mack would put it, to this international sound that’s sure to make its way on more than a few intense movie soundtracks I predict.
This album is not for the fan with expectations. However, the open minded art lover will have an enjoyable ride. However, I did find myself asking for the Lord to forgive me for nodding my head to I Am a God, but that beat went hard, and Jesus knows my heart.  Check it out!