
We live in such a something for nothing society that a get rich quick scheme is as close as your most gullible friend. Lately there seems to be an influx of young ladies that believe that the side chick/hoe life is a great route to travel on the road to getting something for nothing. The fatal flaw in the logic is that although you may get something, and the work may not have been that hard, you’ve paid for it more than anyone else.

Let’s explore the facts:

So, you’ve secured a position as a sidepiece or  something of that nature. Even if you get the ultimate promotion to “wife”, because we’ve witnessed the transition take place a few times, your old job didn’t dissolve. Your promotion is in fact a demotion because of how you obtained the position. See, you used to get invited to all the arm-candy events, hang out with the crew and the other sidelines, but now you’re the enemy. You thought you were going to be the Queen of Whores, when you’ve actually become the court jester among wives.

Let’s say you recognize game and you don’t mind your current position and aren’t looking for a promotion. You’ve just signed on for a pay as you go plan, that’s right, you have the shelf-life of a drop phone. As soon as he’s done and the new model comes along, you’re in the trash without so much as a cancellation call. The thought of this makes some females without substance nervous which is when they activate the trap.

You found the baller of your dreams, he’s not trying to make you his wife, so now you’re looking to secure your payday for at least the next 18 years. You’re working on dropping a baller’s bundle, here’s where you’ve messed up completely. You’re about to make an exchange of something for everything. You’re risking your health, snap-back, shape and self-respect for a check and association. It’s my sincere wish that my readers know someone in this position that they can forward this to and stop the madness before shit goes all wrong.

There’s no such thing as Something for Nothing. Most things that start with “All you have to do is…” are tied to some of the most heinous and/or toxic things your could introduce into your life. There has to be a limit, you may not have had to clock-in or think too hard for the things you get in life, but you’ve got to live with yourself.

Think about it.
Pass it on.
Challenge me if you think I’m wrong.

A Think Tank (3 Generations of Fashion and Drama continuation)

Flash forward a few weeks, and the only person still working on any of the projects is guess who…? You guessed it. I hate to even write this and breathe validation into it, but when it comes down to it I’m the Little Red Hen of the family. (This is the part that you go Google “Little Red Hen” then come back and say, Oooooooh) Selfish is a word that I reserve for those that have their own interests at heart… these folks are straight up lazy. Do I believe that they believe in me? Absolutely, which is the exact problem. Ideas get thrown out regarding everyone maximizing their talents, and the resolution continues to fall on :

“Hey, you just tell me what to do!”

How crazy does that sound to you? If someone helps you identify a talent, hands you a few ideas to build a business structure, what’s left? Doing the work. There’s a piece of me that could say, that everybody wants to be Gail, nobody wants to be Oprah, but Gail does what’s asked of her. I told you all that it would be an interesting ride.

I would love to get some insight as to what makes them even waste the time to hold the conversations. It would be interesting to follow the stream of logic, but I’m afraid of what it may reveal about some of the genes that could be laying dormant in myself.

My next approach will be to go contract for contract, as that seems to be the only way to get some action out of this crew. I’m interested to know if anyone else goes through this much getting their family behind them. Let me know.


And what was once my favorite BBQ restaurant wants to close until well after my birthday. This is the type of stuff that happens on and near my birthday. Excuses, restaurant/ club closures, people out of town, or me having to be out of town in some bum-fuckety corner of the country, I’m tired.

So, now that I’ve gotten that out. My birthday always gets shitted on. To the point that I don’t even try hard anymore. This year, which is one of my last years in my twenties, I thought that I would enjoy a no fuss no muss celebration at the family home and nobody would have to cook.


The restaurant, which I love enough to follow on social media, decided to put out an impromptu closure notice, TONIGHT! Those of you that know me and have been reading my stuff for a while know that one of my biggest fears is to already be pissed off, then have something come and extra-piss me off in the middle of it. I’m so mad I don’t even know where to begin.

It’s not the time and effort that I put into getting this together, I learned my lesson on that when I used to try to do multiple day extravaganzas that people couldn’t afford to attend so they’d just show up to the free thing. It’s the fact that after almost three complete decades the cycle has not been broken.

My resolution:

Fuck staying in the country, fuck calling around, fuck planning in advance….
1.I’m only rolling with whoever shows the hell up next birthday.
2. I’m not doing anything for the sake of anyone else’s budget, can’t afford it, catch the pics on Instagram
3. I’m doing nothing other than exactly whatever in the hell I want from the now until the day I die.

There’s no reason that I should not be able to enjoy however much time I have here on Earth, and sometimes that means disappearing and seeing the world.

My New Goal:
I want all the money in the world. Literally, I’m going to travel as far as I can stand, and I’m going to exchange $20 American everywhere I go for whatever the currency is in that country/region. I know that I started off on a potty-mouthed rant, but I know what I want now. I’ve said it since I was a kid, but it took until this birthday season to figure out what that really means. I’ll blog about it…. you’ll know if I did it or not.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

Ever just want to run the hell away?

Sometimes I sit and think about just getting up, packing five pairs of underwear, emptying out all my accounts and just disappear. I imagine paying up my phone bill for the year, filling a backpack with street vending supplies, pulling up non-highway routes on Google maps and riding my bicycle until I can’t stand the seat anymore in any given direction.

I remember turning 18 and being in tears with the fact that the machine was going to get me. Credit, bills, responsibilities and life in general seemed like everybody was just doing it wrong, and I was going to end up just like them.

There has to be a better way. I played with the idea of becoming a member of a planned community, live in some commune and earn money from my crafts and gardening. I quickly got over that idea. I also thought that I could find a way to reduce my expenditures in my current living situation, but the truth of the matter is, it’s hard to do that without living like a bum.

That thought made me realize that all the things I feared as a child have come to light. Rather than simply acquiring the things that I want to add to my life, I catch myself being suckered into accumulating things that I “ought” to have. So what’s the end game? When will there finally be enough to just sit back and enjoy?

I think the answer is never, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. The key is finding exactly what it is that you want out of life, and forget the rest. I’ll let you know how it goes. This is going to be a big leap for me because I have a hard time having fun.

We’ll see.

Just a second before I hit publish, my credit union called me with a cruise package…. I hear you Universe… I hear you.

Bad Ass Children

Let me preface this by saying, no I do not have children of my own. I do however have Godchildren so I at least am able to relate to how much they are blessings and say the darndest things, cute, honest, blah blah blah..

Now, NOBODY and I express emphatically not a soul in the world, wants to deal with your bad ass children. Not even your Momma, not the teacher and for the purpose of tonight’s discussion, not the public at large. I’m coming to you live from a place called a Laundromat, (for my overseas readers who probably live somewhere where they’ve figured out a better way for the middle class to get clean clothing) that’s American for soapy practice hell.

My normal routine includes a very reasonably priced drop-off place, but due to fatigue I missed the lady with whom I regularly entrust my garments. So since I’m stuck, I’m going to discuss it here with you, and as usual, you tell me if I’m wrong.
I don’t venture out into the general public often (OCD germaphobe, not a snob) and when I do I’m generally in adult settings or somewhat regulated environments. The Washateria/Laundromat I decided to visit tonight is teeming with untamed young people. I was shaken down for video game money, feared for the life and safety of a tiny cart surfer and generally annoyed by the constant hum of child chatter.
These are two separate groups of bad kids which brings me to the conclusion that there’s a flaw in the design of modern parenting. I think back on my childhood and what I was able to get away with in public and my list pales in comparison to the depth and breadth of the insanity these kids pull off. It’s like they lack good old fashioned fear as well as respect. (Did they stop teaching “Stranger Danger”?)
Here’s what I understand, 4 is the last good year for most kids. I also know that after they “graduate” kindergarten, they should have the basics on how to act in public. I also know that they’ll never get that part if they’ve got punk ass parents that let them act a fool.
I’m not saying beat them, I’m also not saying keep them at home. I am however saying that how they act in public is a reflection on you, and although there are rare occasions in which kids are bad even though they’ve been taught better, nobody knows your kid like you, and more than likely nobody loves them like you do either. So keep them close when you know they’re crazy. The rest of us didn’t sign up to be bothered with them.

Trust Issues

Quick overview, I’ve lived in a world where people can be married for over 20 years and deep down hate one another. I’ve seen best friends bang the other’s significant others, and cousins hit on ex-spouses. I’ve watched people smile on one side of their mouths and out the other side spew nothing but hate. People are shady as hell.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t have an open heart, and be a kind person. This just means I don’t put a thing past a human being. People do not value loyalty, respect and honesty. So let’s get to the motivation behind the lines.

Prior to formally meeting most people that are already in the circles of my friends and loved ones I pay attention to the types of stories that are told about the individual. If everything I hear is nothing but negativity, I have no need to be in attendance at anything that they will be present. (very few exceptions)

Next, if a person’s name is constantly associated with an individual that I absolutely know that I don’t care for, they are generally deemed shady by association. I will give this person an opportunity to prove me wrong, but I refuse to let them in any closer than you would a classmate.

I was recently invited to break bread with an individual that I’ve not been able to get any type of clearance on. Mainly because they served as a spy. Not to say that they had a skewed loyalty, but the fact that they could comfortably serve in that capacity, no matter which side they serve, let’s me know that they’ve got a loose base. For that I respectfully declined the invitation. Perhaps I’m being too hard on them. Perhaps they felt a duty to be a sneak, but I just refuse to mess with an individual that can even pretend to be fake.

You tell me if I’m doing too much. I doubt it seriously, but someone may have a better perspective. Agree or disagree, share your thoughts on the subject.

F-ing up FREE Stuff

There’s a saying that my mom used to dish out often when I was a kid.

 “______ would fuck up a free lunch line.”

I used to die laughing as it was usually accompanied with a colorful rant of eloquently placed curse words that meshed together in a beautiful web of things I couldn’t say out loud. But, as I grew older I began to encounter the type of people that embody the phrase. There are some people that will talk themselves right out of a discount, an opportunity, and yes even free lunch.

What causes people to be consistently contrary? Is it a personality trait of those that have experienced extreme disappointment in life over many years; or is the relationship reverse, and their contrary disposition is what’s breeding the energy for disappointment?

Whatever the answer may be, let me share a few words of wisdom that can possibly assist that type of person in learning how to NOT block their blessings:

1. When the price tag says $FREE, your TIME is the fee:

Even coupons say limited time offer, you can’t just run rough shot over someone offering something for free and do things whenever you feel like it. Patience, accommodation and milk (three things that expire). You wouldn’t play around with the milk and push a few weeks past the best by date, so why do that with someone’s time?

2. Nobody cares about how you feel about the circumstances surrounding something that you don’t have to pay for:

Shut up and either say yes or no. A contract without consideration is not a contract….. so what exactly is it that you are trying to negotiate? The conversation on a free offer should not exceed the length of time it takes to ascertain what time you need to be present and if there’s something that you need to bring or do. If the small hand on the clock moves from one number to the next, you’re talking too long, and asking too many questions. SHUT UP, and either accept or decline.

3. You are never just entitled to a discount:

I don’t care how long you’ve known the person, or how many discounts they’ve given you before. NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING. So stop acting like you’ve got the inside track on something. Every discount, unless it’s a status of your employment, is a blessing and you should be so glad to have received it. Stop thinking that people owe you the “player price” because you grew up together. Adults have bills and obligations, don’t try to get lemonade stand prices from somebody on a grind. (this is the part that the person realizes why they haven’t heard from their “friend”)

If you know somebody like this, post this on your Facebook wall, post the link on Twitter so they get a chance to read it and get their life together. Perhaps they didn’t realize that their actions are messing it up for everybody. Nobody deserves to be stuck dealing with an inconsiderate asshole.

 You should know by now I don’t mind addressing the real, so if there’s something you need to express to someone but don’t know the words feel free to send me the subject or the problem and I’ll break it down.

Secret Powers
Despite everything that people try to say about the generation of mid-late 20 something, most don’t believe they should be famous, they believe they should be rich (Americans). However the attempts toward success are feeble at best relying on the effort of others to yield personal results of the same magnitude.
There is no such thing as overnight, the easy way is usually an illusion and get rich quick is a long way to say crime in most instances.  I’m not anywhere near where I’m trying to get, but I’m extremely far from where I started and not much of that progress included short-cuts.
Here comes the gripe. The part that makes me tired with people in the aforementioned range comes down to upbringing. Ours is the generation that came about in the middle of the crack epidemic, which has a few outcomes; There’s a big group of people that grew up in the fast life and expect immediate returns on their ventures, often unrealistically. There is also a group of individuals that I blogged about yesterday that got used to being bailed out.
My suggestion is to look within and find the things that are unique to you, that you do very well and put most of your energy into those things to perfect them. I can’t say that everything that you become the best at will get you paid, but excellence breeds excellence, so you’ll see an improvement in other aspects of your life. This is not to say that there aren’t people that have mastered mediocrity to a science and can excel in just one place and suck at the rest of life, but hopefully the good habits of diligence will seep into everything else.
Find your hidden power!


Can we get past the point of expecting other people to bail us out? I am in no way condemning anyone for asking for help when there is a true emergency, I am however requesting that we as a people understand what constitutes an emergency. If you are faced with a situation that you’ve not had any indication would ever occur, and there is no line of responsibility that leads back to you, this is an emergency. What is not an emergency is the summation of a lack of action and foresight regarding a matter in which you are directly responsible.

Not having money for your rent (general circumstance) is not an emergency.

The failure to have a back-up plan or alternative provisions is your own responsibility. When you entered the lease you had an opportunity to determine your entire responsibility for the duration of the lease. There are insurance options, savings accounts, conversations with your landlord and budgeting that could have taken place to avoid a dire situation.

However there are people in this world that will look at the situation and parse out multiple excuses as to why they are in an emergency. If an act of God took place, a fire started by something that was not your responsibility to monitor, a flood caused by a water main break, etc. I understand and have the utmost sympathy for your situation. I am not sympathetic or understanding or generally irresponsible adults. If you make poor decisions, my suggestion is to solicit assistance, not monetarily, but educationally so that you can take your irresponsibility and turn it into a learning experience.

Let me be clear that there is not a situation in which I have been approached with by any individual, this is just an observation of human nature, and some of the stories that I’ve heard over the past week. Yet we all probably know people in our lives that will constantly blame, people, places and things on why they can’t seem to get a grip on taking control of the things they most likely took on themselves. They even go so far as wanting some type of praise for the everyday things that they ought to have and take care of.

“I feed my kids, everyday”

Nobody cares, you don’t get a bonus at work for clocking in, you get it for going above the baseline, same for the rest of your life. Get it together, and know that nobody wants to be involved in your life mismanagement.

Am I being too harsh?