
We live in such a something for nothing society that a get rich quick scheme is as close as your most gullible friend. Lately there seems to be an influx of young ladies that believe that the side chick/hoe life is a great route to travel on the road to getting something for nothing. The fatal flaw in the logic is that although you may get something, and the work may not have been that hard, you’ve paid for it more than anyone else.

Let’s explore the facts:

So, you’ve secured a position as a sidepiece or  something of that nature. Even if you get the ultimate promotion to “wife”, because we’ve witnessed the transition take place a few times, your old job didn’t dissolve. Your promotion is in fact a demotion because of how you obtained the position. See, you used to get invited to all the arm-candy events, hang out with the crew and the other sidelines, but now you’re the enemy. You thought you were going to be the Queen of Whores, when you’ve actually become the court jester among wives.

Let’s say you recognize game and you don’t mind your current position and aren’t looking for a promotion. You’ve just signed on for a pay as you go plan, that’s right, you have the shelf-life of a drop phone. As soon as he’s done and the new model comes along, you’re in the trash without so much as a cancellation call. The thought of this makes some females without substance nervous which is when they activate the trap.

You found the baller of your dreams, he’s not trying to make you his wife, so now you’re looking to secure your payday for at least the next 18 years. You’re working on dropping a baller’s bundle, here’s where you’ve messed up completely. You’re about to make an exchange of something for everything. You’re risking your health, snap-back, shape and self-respect for a check and association. It’s my sincere wish that my readers know someone in this position that they can forward this to and stop the madness before shit goes all wrong.

There’s no such thing as Something for Nothing. Most things that start with “All you have to do is…” are tied to some of the most heinous and/or toxic things your could introduce into your life. There has to be a limit, you may not have had to clock-in or think too hard for the things you get in life, but you’ve got to live with yourself.

Think about it.
Pass it on.
Challenge me if you think I’m wrong.