What’s up with Porn?

Most women that date men have come across “the stash”. The reactions differ from woman to woman but I think the underlying curiosity is essentially the same. “Why?” So in the name of science and being nosey I conducted a non-scientific study. (Aren’t you glad you had to go through the disclaimer page first?)

Experiment 1: I watched a random selection from a certain person’s electronic stash with a knowledge of the types of entertainment they enjoy. (General Cinema of the non-adult nature) The goal was to ascertain if there were overlapping elements such as story line, plot development, comedic timing, and suspense.

The results of  Experiment 1 were inconclusive as the selection did not have any elements of general entertainment. There was one part that made me laugh, but I don’t think that counted as it was pertaining to the lack of ability to act.

Experiment 2: The next random selection from the stash was to be watched to determine if the physical attraction mirrored or overlapped this person’s openly expressed taste. (Height, skin tone, shape, general disposition)

The results of Experiment 2 were inconclusive in that the range of body types, were far too wide and there was no way to determine if any segments were fast forwarded by the subject.

Experiment 3: I simply asked the subject why they enjoy Porn at a point in time in which they had no idea why I’d ask the question.

The results of Experiment 3 were inconclusive in that the answer provided seemed rehearsed and persuaded by the status of the person asking the question.

There is no conclusion. Porn is weird, guys like it for various reasons and the moral of this post is to log off or surf your smut in inPrivate mode.

Until next time.