Let’s Play Catch Up


So over my summer break I discovered that I am much fatter than I ever anticipated. I’m grateful for the gift/curse of genetics that camouflage the flub… but I had to get on a mission.

Objective 1:
I increased my activity by walking home from work rather than driving everywhere I go. I finally got through the move that I believe I told you all about so I’m now in walking distance and that gives me at least 30mins of movement a day during the week. There’s also a walk club that my sorority sisters and I formed that meets every Saturday. This brings me up to 6 out of 7 days of activity.

Objective 2:
I gave up leaning on carbs so heavily. It’s been a struggle, but doing the “Water Challenge” this month helps me keep the carbs down by eliminating sugary drinks. It’s been hard to drink nothing but water for 30days, especially considering my affinity for wine and spirits.

Objective 3:
I need to either take time to develop an exercise program, or join a gym that will do that for me. Those of you that have been reading me for a while know that I’m both a former Martial Artist, and former US Navy Sailor. If there’s anyone that knows how to exercise , you’d imagine that it would be someone with my resume. So I’m taking it back to old school. This in turn has also inspired a business idea, which I’m sure doesn’t shock my faithful readers.

Now that you know all about my struggle, you won’t be surprised when I start posting things about my progress on this journey.

I’m not giving up on the “Girl He Ain’t Slick” but there have been some emails that warranted referrals to professionals. Know that when you email me your drama, I’m more interested in actually helping you, than having something to post, so if it’s too far out, I’m going to reply with a number of a professional that can actually get you together. It’s because I love you.

I took a look at my stats this morning, and I’m impressed. Thank you to everyone that took my break as time to catch up on my old pieces. I’ll keep writing, I promise. Sometimes I need a little break, but honestly I end up missing you guys like crazy. Until my next post.

All Good Things