A Think Tank (3 Generations of Fashion and Drama continuation)


Flash forward a few weeks, and the only person still working on any of the projects is guess who…? You guessed it. I hate to even write this and breathe validation into it, but when it comes down to it I’m the Little Red Hen of the family. (This is the part that you go Google “Little Red Hen” then come back and say, Oooooooh) Selfish is a word that I reserve for those that have their own interests at heart… these folks are straight up lazy. Do I believe that they believe in me? Absolutely, which is the exact problem. Ideas get thrown out regarding everyone maximizing their talents, and the resolution continues to fall on :

“Hey, you just tell me what to do!”

How crazy does that sound to you? If someone helps you identify a talent, hands you a few ideas to build a business structure, what’s left? Doing the work. There’s a piece of me that could say, that everybody wants to be Gail, nobody wants to be Oprah, but Gail does what’s asked of her. I told you all that it would be an interesting ride.

I would love to get some insight as to what makes them even waste the time to hold the conversations. It would be interesting to follow the stream of logic, but I’m afraid of what it may reveal about some of the genes that could be laying dormant in myself.

My next approach will be to go contract for contract, as that seems to be the only way to get some action out of this crew. I’m interested to know if anyone else goes through this much getting their family behind them. Let me know.


Can we get past the point of expecting other people to bail us out? I am in no way condemning anyone for asking for help when there is a true emergency, I am however requesting that we as a people understand what constitutes an emergency. If you are faced with a situation that you’ve not had any indication would ever occur, and there is no line of responsibility that leads back to you, this is an emergency. What is not an emergency is the summation of a lack of action and foresight regarding a matter in which you are directly responsible.

Not having money for your rent (general circumstance) is not an emergency.

The failure to have a back-up plan or alternative provisions is your own responsibility. When you entered the lease you had an opportunity to determine your entire responsibility for the duration of the lease. There are insurance options, savings accounts, conversations with your landlord and budgeting that could have taken place to avoid a dire situation.

However there are people in this world that will look at the situation and parse out multiple excuses as to why they are in an emergency. If an act of God took place, a fire started by something that was not your responsibility to monitor, a flood caused by a water main break, etc. I understand and have the utmost sympathy for your situation. I am not sympathetic or understanding or generally irresponsible adults. If you make poor decisions, my suggestion is to solicit assistance, not monetarily, but educationally so that you can take your irresponsibility and turn it into a learning experience.

Let me be clear that there is not a situation in which I have been approached with by any individual, this is just an observation of human nature, and some of the stories that I’ve heard over the past week. Yet we all probably know people in our lives that will constantly blame, people, places and things on why they can’t seem to get a grip on taking control of the things they most likely took on themselves. They even go so far as wanting some type of praise for the everyday things that they ought to have and take care of.

“I feed my kids, everyday”

Nobody cares, you don’t get a bonus at work for clocking in, you get it for going above the baseline, same for the rest of your life. Get it together, and know that nobody wants to be involved in your life mismanagement.

Am I being too harsh?