So far..

I was told by a somewhat wise individual I met along my journey to always operate in purpose. If you invest your most precious asset into something (your time) be sure that it is worthy of every moment and that the returns are of equal or greater value. (Ok, I added that last piece to make them sound awe

There will be many opportunities that will knock, if we execute in excellence, and not every one is appropriate for your journey in life. A good opportunity does not automatically qualify something as the right opportunity. I once tried to tackle everything that was thrown my way, and not step on too many toes, or make people uncomfortable with my declination of an offer. However, a no is possibly the greatest gift you can give someone if your heart refuses to follow your feet.

I’ve got a very diverse background as a result of a long period in time of not being able to say no. Countless hours of study in many subjects and fields all because someone noticed an aptitude for absorbing a concept. For years I struggled with not knowing what I wanted to do with the rest of my life because I couldn’t narrow down what I was “good” at simply because the list was too long. It wasn’t until years ago when I started this blog, left it alone, and couldn’t help but come back that I realize my passion is in capturing the human experience. Which explains my ability to play the piano, do hair, ride a horse, give an excellent massage and tear apart a contract. It’s not that I’m good at all these individual tasks, it’s that I am able to dissect a moment and understand everything that went into making it possible.

I said all that to say, I love to write. I can do this until the day that I die. I sincerely appreciate the support. I take a look at my stats, and you keep coming back! So I pledge to you that as long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing. Maybe one day writing will take me to where I’m trying to go in life, but until then and even through that day I’ll never forget the dedication of my readers.

Thank You…..