Yeezus Review (Marri Picks)

Favorite Tracks-
I Am a God
New Slaves
I’m In It
Blood On The Leaves
Send it Up
Why? At this point in Hip-Hop History,  many of us look to Yeezy to bring that refined weird element, that is the individualism that makes the culture so beautiful. I’ve selected the songs above based on how well they’ll translate between locations. These can be added to the party list without everyone looking around seeing if anyone else is drinking the punch.
Mr.West has a knack for the dark. This album shows the blossoming evolution from College Drop Out backpack feel good “Happy Rap” ,as the late great Bernie Mack would put it, to this international sound that’s sure to make its way on more than a few intense movie soundtracks I predict.
This album is not for the fan with expectations. However, the open minded art lover will have an enjoyable ride. However, I did find myself asking for the Lord to forgive me for nodding my head to I Am a God, but that beat went hard, and Jesus knows my heart.  Check it out!