Marri’s UnCut Thoughts on Sterling

So everyone has an opinion on Donald Sterling.

Here’s my analysis and opinion of his alleged comments and prior allegations regarding his racism and the actions of those surrounding the issue.

1. The rant we caught was one steeped in jealousy, ignorance and cowardice more so than pure hate. Why do I say that? Well he never used a slur, and everything he said revolved around his girlfriend’s interactions. He’s already sneaking her in plain sight, he doesn’t want to have to explain his dealing with minorities to all his buddies that he says are calling him. I’m surprised his friends have computers, let alone know how to navigate Instagram for the sake of racist ribbing.

2. He’s old as hell and I’m willing to put cash money on the fact that if we put a tape recorder on a few more old white men’s private comments and conversations we’d have enough evidence of privilege and extreme purposeful disadvantage of Blacks (children of the Middle Passage)  in America to successfully start the campaign for Reparations. (Ask Romney)

3. The players’ protest was weak at best. Yes it’s understandable that they could be sued for not participating based on their contracts, so I can understand the lower paid players still showing up…. but this sheds a light on a much bigger issue (We forgot how to protest!) Who gives a flip if a logo isn’t showing if the show still goes on? Also, why is it just the Clippers that we are holding accountable? What about the other team’s players, coach and ownership? Want to guess why they didn’t hold up a united front in protest? It’s a Good Ole Boys’ club thing, we wouldn’t understand.

4. How did we skip over the fact that this man is cheating on his wife? A man with a set of morals that will allow him to have his side hoe and his wife in the same building is not one that shocks you with inappropriate comments and requests. His entire essence is inappropriate at its core. We haven’t seen this kind of bold move since Swiss & Alicia or Mister from The Color Purple. Of course he says things that will make people cringe in private. Outraged? Yes. Shocked? No.

5. The girlfriend is allegedly BFFs with Superhead. How long before you all learn to stop letting hoes in the house?(What else do you call a woman that’s creeping with a married man?)  They take all your money, embarrass you in front of everybody that will listen and if they hang with the likes of Superhead, they will get another check on the back-end from all the nosy people who are willing to pay to hear about your messed up life. That’s what he gets. No Sympathy from me at all.

6. There’s nothing that surprises me about the fact that he’s won NAACP Awards we (read the collective overarching grouping of Blacks in America) always leave the gate open in the name of love. The fact that the older allegations are just now being made public knowledge scream “Donation Probation” to me, meaning Sterling’s people cut the right check at the right time to keep the heat down. I imagine short speeches that contain “how can I be racist, I donate regularly to_____(insert black/urban interest group)”, layered with support comments of, “he’s helped supply____, and is a regular supporter of ____”. I’ll hold off on any further comments on this topic because I can start a whole new post on the purchase and sale of our acceptance.

7. My final opinion. I sincerely hope that there are more actions than flipped shirts. Can we start the conversation on how to pool resources and build wealth among minorities? (Honestly I mean black people because everybody else has figured that part out). I’d love to see a rise in minority ownership in all facets of sports and entertainment. We’re beyond days of marching, but we can protest with our dollars but withholding them is only a piece of it, we need to reallocate that money back into our communities. It’s time to stop trying to televise the Revolution and start to live it.

Kudos to CarMax and State Farm!


Donkey of the Day: Donald Sterling

The Point of It All (Resurrection Day Post)

I believe in Jesus,  not as a result of brain washing; Not as a carry over from slavery; Not because I’m not a logical person.  But because after researching other beliefs and ways of life I’ve concluded, as an adult, the following:

1. God exists
2. He’s gone through great lengths to reach us all in ways that we will receive Him. (I think that’s why we have so many belief systems… My humble opinion)
3. He can do anything. 
4. When I’ve asked for guidance and answers to my issues in Jesus’ name I’ve received abundantly more than I needed. (You can totally show me better than you can tell me, I’m that type of person.)

I understand and respect those that don’t believe the way that I do because I’ve had doubts, especially when you see how so many religions have been used as tools of war and oppression. However, I find liberty in Jesus. He was a radical that believed in the power of love as a sufficient tool to overcome evil. He also got live and spoke his mind when people got caught up in “religion” doing things just to do them.

If you’ve been on the fence with your faith, today I invite you to try Jesus (notice I did not say Christianity, build a relationship don’t just form a habit). Here’s a secret…. You can do that today even if you don’t have a fancy outfit and you don’t need money to receive salvation… Today is all about how that price has been paid.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!