Trust Issues

Quick overview, I’ve lived in a world where people can be married for over 20 years and deep down hate one another. I’ve seen best friends bang the other’s significant others, and cousins hit on ex-spouses. I’ve watched people smile on one side of their mouths and out the other side spew nothing but hate. People are shady as hell.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t have an open heart, and be a kind person. This just means I don’t put a thing past a human being. People do not value loyalty, respect and honesty. So let’s get to the motivation behind the lines.

Prior to formally meeting most people that are already in the circles of my friends and loved ones I pay attention to the types of stories that are told about the individual. If everything I hear is nothing but negativity, I have no need to be in attendance at anything that they will be present. (very few exceptions)

Next, if a person’s name is constantly associated with an individual that I absolutely know that I don’t care for, they are generally deemed shady by association. I will give this person an opportunity to prove me wrong, but I refuse to let them in any closer than you would a classmate.

I was recently invited to break bread with an individual that I’ve not been able to get any type of clearance on. Mainly because they served as a spy. Not to say that they had a skewed loyalty, but the fact that they could comfortably serve in that capacity, no matter which side they serve, let’s me know that they’ve got a loose base. For that I respectfully declined the invitation. Perhaps I’m being too hard on them. Perhaps they felt a duty to be a sneak, but I just refuse to mess with an individual that can even pretend to be fake.

You tell me if I’m doing too much. I doubt it seriously, but someone may have a better perspective. Agree or disagree, share your thoughts on the subject.

Secret Powers
Despite everything that people try to say about the generation of mid-late 20 something, most don’t believe they should be famous, they believe they should be rich (Americans). However the attempts toward success are feeble at best relying on the effort of others to yield personal results of the same magnitude.
There is no such thing as overnight, the easy way is usually an illusion and get rich quick is a long way to say crime in most instances.  I’m not anywhere near where I’m trying to get, but I’m extremely far from where I started and not much of that progress included short-cuts.
Here comes the gripe. The part that makes me tired with people in the aforementioned range comes down to upbringing. Ours is the generation that came about in the middle of the crack epidemic, which has a few outcomes; There’s a big group of people that grew up in the fast life and expect immediate returns on their ventures, often unrealistically. There is also a group of individuals that I blogged about yesterday that got used to being bailed out.
My suggestion is to look within and find the things that are unique to you, that you do very well and put most of your energy into those things to perfect them. I can’t say that everything that you become the best at will get you paid, but excellence breeds excellence, so you’ll see an improvement in other aspects of your life. This is not to say that there aren’t people that have mastered mediocrity to a science and can excel in just one place and suck at the rest of life, but hopefully the good habits of diligence will seep into everything else.
Find your hidden power!

Cohabitation Woes

Only children grow up with a certain sense of ownership and boundaries. There’s something to be said about one growing up and sharing a space with someone that’s always had to share. There’s even more to be said when the situation is male and female. Don’t get me wrong, I’m firmly against men living in the same space as women because simply “boys are gross”. However when you have two people of the opposite sex, with opposing views on boundaries, you’ve collected the ingredients for the recipe for disaster.
The bathroom of a male is disgusting in a different way than that of a female. Where makeup and creams may dominate in a female bathroom, hair chips and toothpaste splatter occupy the male. Put it all together and what do you get? Causation to commit a misdemeanor assault.
“Well why doesn’t everyone clean after themselves?” One might ask.
This is where the lifestyle differences come in, the only child will clean-up once, and whomever destroys the area after that is responsible to put it back in order. But, the one from the home of collective responsibility will wait until they feel like it’s their “turn”. See how those two instances can conflict?’
In the end, the most rational solution is to sever the cohabitation agreement and live in separate spaces.
“But we just got married, we can’t live in separate houses”
Think back on how our grandparents survived. Nana and Pop had separate rooms and bathrooms in their golden years, because they knew better.
That’s all for my rant today. Share your thoughts.