Novel Teaser #99

More of my writing…. another piece of the novel… Enjoy! I’m looking for feedback on scene building.
I walk slowly to allow myself a clear view of everyone that’s walking in. There seems to be a theme among the female department heads. Every hip switch, stern tone, and tightly wound bun reminds me of my first few years working with Troy. I try my best to keep my face from making faces as I watch each clone click by in their various not so work appropriate heels.

When we have all entered the great room, Troy takes the makeshift stage in his raised dining room area and raises his glass instructing the wait staff to assure that we’ve received a glass with which to toast.

“Today marks a great milestone in the life of this corporation. We have successfully closed the deal to begin construction of the resort and casino in Dubai!”

Everyone claps and nods their heads around the room as to congratulate all parties involved.

“I’d like to take this time to make another announcement, I will be stepping down as President.”

The room goes silent as everyone realizes that the dynamics of our existence have shifted from colleagues and party guests to competitors in an amazing race for control of the company. I don’t even look up to witness the energy shift as the tension is so thick I can feel it.

“But wait, there’s more.” Troy laughs in a weak attempt to break the walls that everyone has put up in the wake of his announcement. “The person that I’m appointing to take on this monumental task of leading us into this new era is Joshua Bledsow our Guest Relations Department Head. Joshua has been with the company since our first year of opening and I believe he’s shown us all that he’s got what it takes to raise this company to new heights.”

I can feel every eye in the room squarely on my forehead. I fake a smile raise my head and applaud as though I had been dropped off in the middle of the Superdome at a Saints versus Falcons game. Joshua, who I trained to work his current position, walks over to Troy and begins a speech. So not only had Troy skipped over me to take his position he’d already worked it out with Joshua to the point of him having time to prepare a speech. Lisa senses my discomfort and pretends that I have an important phone call from ESPN and walks me out with the cell phone into the hallway.

“Get me away from this place Lisa, as far as possible as fast as you can get me there.”

“Only if you promise to answer when I call.”