Trust Issues

Quick overview, I’ve lived in a world where people can be married for over 20 years and deep down hate one another. I’ve seen best friends bang the other’s significant others, and cousins hit on ex-spouses. I’ve watched people smile on one side of their mouths and out the other side spew nothing but hate. People are shady as hell.

This doesn’t mean that I won’t have an open heart, and be a kind person. This just means I don’t put a thing past a human being. People do not value loyalty, respect and honesty. So let’s get to the motivation behind the lines.

Prior to formally meeting most people that are already in the circles of my friends and loved ones I pay attention to the types of stories that are told about the individual. If everything I hear is nothing but negativity, I have no need to be in attendance at anything that they will be present. (very few exceptions)

Next, if a person’s name is constantly associated with an individual that I absolutely know that I don’t care for, they are generally deemed shady by association. I will give this person an opportunity to prove me wrong, but I refuse to let them in any closer than you would a classmate.

I was recently invited to break bread with an individual that I’ve not been able to get any type of clearance on. Mainly because they served as a spy. Not to say that they had a skewed loyalty, but the fact that they could comfortably serve in that capacity, no matter which side they serve, let’s me know that they’ve got a loose base. For that I respectfully declined the invitation. Perhaps I’m being too hard on them. Perhaps they felt a duty to be a sneak, but I just refuse to mess with an individual that can even pretend to be fake.

You tell me if I’m doing too much. I doubt it seriously, but someone may have a better perspective. Agree or disagree, share your thoughts on the subject.

What’s the Deal with Dirty Old Men?

Ladies you know the scene! You’re at work or out shopping minding your own business the whole time and out of the hallway comes this Old guy. At first you think about your dad or you grandpa and think…. I need to call him. Only to be snatched from your nostalgic moment and thrust into a crazy mid-morning nightmare. (you know the kind that let you know yuo are late for work/school) but this time there is no pinch that will relieve this feeling of utter disgust, He is full fledged hollering at YOU. He puts on that mack daddy pimp walk, that I still got it facade and laces up his Rockports and tells you how beautiful you are and how he would love to give you everything you want….. OR the if I was your man I wouldn’t speech and you accidently smile. Damn, you think, did he see that? Aaaahh shit now I gotta walk fast or zig zag to get rid of his ass. People, if you have a dad , uncle or grandpa that is now single, call them and plan family stuff so they remember how old u are and make sure that they always see you as that babygirl or knucklehead boy so they get the math right when they hit the streets. THAT SHIT IS GROSS! STOP THAT SHIT DIRTY OLD MEN! Go golfing or join a club with women closer to your age, thats why the kids are going crazy, all them change of life babies getting confused by the clash of the generations. Thats just weird, and I’m glad I got that off my chest and I really don’t care who didn’t like that one… Tell the gross ass Old MEN to leave me alone then.