Let’s Explore Jealousy

First of all, what it takes for someone to take time out of their day to sit and ponder on what another person has going on in their life, is time wasted by every definition. We are all sent on unique journeys with specific obstacles and triumphs set aside just for us. There is nothing that any one of us on this planet can ever do to become someone else in essence. We can look like people, dress like, talk like, act like whomever we desire, but we will never be that person.

So then comes the concept of someone thinking that another person wants their life. There are aspects of many people’s situations that some may find more favorable than what they are currently living, but that doesn’t automatically put that person in the category of being jealous. The energy put into worrying about who’s copying you is also wasted energy.

I propose that we take on the perspective of the student at all times. There will be things that occur in our lives and the lives of those around us that we can all walk away with a lesson. Sometimes the same person that you see as one to follow will do things or have characteristics that teach you to be the exact opposite.

“Stay in your lane” is very cliché and it doesn’t provide the full perspective on the life lesson that it’s trying to convey. Appreciate the triumphs and trials of all that are around you and learn to make yourself better on your given path. Understand that not everything that’s free is without a price, and not everything that’s paid for is worth what’s on the sticker. Be a humble sponge, with the ability to both soak up and squeeze out.

-Happy Friday

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